Friday, August 21, 2009

Trees and Neighbors

I know you know we have a forest, but it turns out we have some trees on both the north east corner and the south east corner of our home that are very close to the home. The north trees are growing over the roof and in that specific corner are growing over the chimney. Literally over the chimney. Why on earth would someone leave a tree hanging over a chimney?

When I think of trees hanging over a chimney,

I think of...
What about you? What do you think of? So the logical next step was to down the trees. Downing trees is something we certainly could figure out how to do even though we know nothing about it. On the other hand, these trees are right next to our house and if we had some sort of little problem we would be in a world of hurt with a tree in our living room. Soooo... We decided the best thing to do is call someone who could down the tree and hopefully in the future bring in some equipment and excavate the land so we can build our shop and gardens.

I called a tree guy from California yesterday and as you would suspect, I found myself in a Six Degrees of Separation situation. The man who answered the phone was the owner of the business and as it turns out was our neighbor. His dad actually previously owned our property.

Not only did we discuss trees we also had a nice conversation about life and being good neighbors in general. I was thrilled to have such a positive conversation that we had with a stranger.

It made me so excited to connect some more dots. Another piece of the puzzle filled in.

He is going to evaluate the trees and eventually...

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