Tuesday, March 16, 2010


If you look closely you can see on the left of the hall there it is the new Barely Beige color and to the right is the old yellow color. The beige color reads a bit greyish when it is dry and done and we love it. We like how the yellowishness in the room is slowly disappearing and in it's place is a more neutral.

Oh, I can hear your whispers. I know it isn't cool to do neutrals. I just love neutrals. Some of you might remember me from my black dishes phase or my fruit dishes phase and my white dishes phase. As you might remember the white took over so many years ago, 10+ and has stuck. I NEVER go for colors now. You also might remember my obsession with black clothes phase. That went on for years but once I started wearing khaki you couldn't get me out of it and that too was a long time ago. Why do you give a crap?

Well, because this paint color dealy, it is the same as those other phases. I have gone bright, printed, massive art, and have settled down and I am neutral girl now. It has been building over the last ten years but I am all about the browns.

Neutral Girl!!
Able to roll in all colors and still come out brown.

So, the color you see to left there is the lightest color we are using.

The yellow wall in the picture, tomorrow will be the middle shade of tan. The alcove that is next to the front door that is going to house Roy's antique writing desk is going to be the darkest shade.

Haven't we discussed this before? The colors I mean? Somewhere here? Many moons ago? Maybe before I got started painting even?

Hummm, I guess I am the Repeaternator! Sorry!

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