Thursday, February 4, 2010


What does limbo look like to you?
Limbo to me is my memory of being the first automobile in a row on the ferry where you can see out so much better in the cold of your car that you don't want to go upstairs and get warm and have the reflective view that happens when the night comes and the lights in the waiting area glare off the windows and you can no longer see the islands and the water.

"Limbo" is any status where a person or project is held up, and nothing can be done until another action happens. I don't need to explain it any further than that.

I am in Limbo. My limbo is a Pacific Northwest, chilly, and beautiful limbo but it is limbo just the same. I miss my heaven. I miss the brisk air, the sound and sight of the blowing trees. The sound of quiet. I can't wait until I get back to our home. I look forward to reuniting with our special place. Not too long now for me.

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