It turns out that doing work, such as home improvement, you need strength. I am sure you are thinking that I mean brawn. I mean strength.
Physical Strength.
Emotional Strength.
Strength of Character.
A steady hand.
A steady heart.
A steady mind.
This process, it seems, isn't just a physical one. There are emotional components that I didn't account for ahead of time.
It seems the most important part of it all is the strength of character to keep your wits about you when all of the other aspects of the project are being challenged.
It turns out that I have almost none of these character traits. It also turns out that SuperMoto has all of them. So, whilst I am crying my eyes out and have to have the math explained to me for the fiftieth time, he can keep a cool head. Disclaimer: I know people who overly praise their husbands like they are saints. SuperMoto is NO SAINT. It just so happens that in this capacity he excels. It also seems fair to assume that I have no reason to pick one of his faults and highlight it here. It is extremely unlikely that I would have reason to do that unless, he is being a big butthead and I have to highlight it. So, if you are getting the idea that he is perfect, he isn't. He is simply putting in every effort to make this place wonderful for us.
He was born for this kind of work. I guess being an engineer makes it seem obvious that this would be the case but, as I don't ever have the opportunity to see him in his work environment, I really had no idea.
When we are faced with what seems like an immovable obsticle, one that makes me bitter and angry, he has this uncanny ability to see the solution and impliment it almost instantly. Unfortunately that ability I lack so I am left in his wake flailing and unclear how we are going to move forward. No worries though, I don't really need to know how to move forward because while I am flailing, he has moved forward and all I need to do is find a way to catch up or hang on for the ride.